This game was developed during the "Banned in China"-Game Jam hosted via originally scheduled for Dec. 10-12th, 2021. In an "unforseen" twist, the development time has been cut to 24 hours by the hosts.

The task was to create a game that would be banned in China. The developers decided to tackle the topics of historical representation of some prominent events of Communist Chinese history. The CCP is actively engaging in controlling historiography (by adhering to "Historical Materialism") in order to tackle "wrong" representations dubbed "historical nihilism".

This memory game aims at playing with the concepts of memory (as in Memory, the game, as well as the process of remembering and memorizing) to openly present different views on certain historical events. Uncovering these shows the fragility, blurriness, context-dependence and open-endedness of historical narrativization.


tadejsupukovic: gameplay programming, audio, UI

chegusta: art assets, research, writing

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authorstadejsupukovic, chegusta


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(1 edit)

Cute game, I like the different modes and the thorough and dense information that is given.